Did you know that since the beginning of 2021, +215,000 new sellers have registered on the Amazon platform? (That's 4899 new sellers per day) I don't know about you, but we find it fascinating.
The Pitchous have analysed the new Amazon trends to watch out for in 2021.
1. Amazon Ads
According to Quartile Digital Data, the average Amazon cost per click (CPC) was $0.85. On Amazon.com, $13 billion was invested by various brands on this advertising platform. Furthermore, if we look at the average ACoS, it was 22% in 2020 (Advertising budget / Sales generated by advertising). Finally, it takes an average of 8 clicks to generate a sale. If you sell on Amazon, it is time to compare your results with these statistics.
2. Amazon Video ADS
The video format is not new, but it is still under-exploited by many brands. For the time being, the cost of this ad placement is still very affordable as many E-Retail brands have not yet opted for this option in their advertising strategy. If you want to use this type of advertising, Les Pitchous recommends that you create video content of between 20 and 30 seconds in length and don't forget to think about users on mobile. (Adapt your content). We can of course help you create engaging video content to maximise your sales on Amazon.
3. Amazon Live
We are still in the video format but this time we present you with a Livestream solution.
How does it work?
You have the possibility to create live videos that will be accessible on your product pages by consumers. This live video will also be available on Amazon.com/live. It is also possible to let Amazon find influencers for your video content. Everything leads us to believe that this format will become increasingly popular and will therefore be used by brands in their sales strategies on Amazon.
4. Amazon Post
This is by far the most incredible opportunity you should test if you sell on Amazon.com. Why? You probably already publish a lot of content on Instagram or Facebook. So you'll be able to integrate Amazon Post into your content publishing strategy. The posts will help your consumers to better understand the use of your products and especially to better know your brand.
At the moment, Amazon Post publications are free. We have seen excellent results from the clients we have tested this solution with.
5. Amazon Attribution
The long-awaited tool for brands to track the results of their non-Amazon acquisition campaigns as well as the buying journey of consumers. If set up correctly, it can be a great ally in planning and optimising your future campaigns. For now, this feature is only available in the US, Canada, Germany, Spain, France, Italy and the UK.
6. Amazon DSP
If you want to do programmatic buying on or off Amazon, Amazon DSP (Demand Side Platform) campaigns could be a solution. Specifically, you will be able to create retargeting campaigns based on different audiences. Although the main objective of this type of campaign is not to generate conversions, this does not mean that you should accept ROAS of less than $2 just because they are brand awareness campaigns. A ROAS of between $3 and $4 is perfectly feasible if you have the right partners to manage your campaigns.
In conclusion, Amazon will continue to enhance existing features and offer new initiatives to continue to grow. In addition, more and more brands have realised the value of structuring their strategies on this platform by bringing their account management in-house or working with partners who can accelerate their growth on Amazon while maximising their advertising budget.